Error Handling in Flows
There are four ways to handle errors in Windmill flows: retries, error handlers, and early stop/break.
Error Handler
The Error Handler is a special flow step that is executed when an error occurs within a flow.
If defined, the error handler will take as input the result of the step that errored (which has its error in the 'error field').
Steps within a flow can be retried a specified number of times and at a defined frequency in case of an error.
Example of a flow step giving error if random number = 0 and re-trying 5 times
Early Stop / Break
The Early Stop/Break feature allows you to define a predicate expression that determines whether the flow should stop early at the end or before a step.
Custom Timeout for Step
For each step can be defined a timeout. If the execution takes longer than the time limit, the execution of the step will be interrupted.
Error Handling in Windmill
For more details on Error Handling in Windmill, see: