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The slider component allows you to get a range of numbers from the user.

Range API

The following section details Range component's specific settings. For more details on the App Editor, check the dedicated documentation or the App Editor Quickstart:

Range configuration

minnumberfalsefalse0The minimum value of the range.
maxnumberfalsefalse42The maximum value of the range.
Default lownumberfalsefalse10The default low value of the range.
Default highnumberfalsefalse20The default high value of the range.
Axis Stepnumberfalsefalse10Spread between each number suggestion when using the arrow keys.
Stepnumberfalsefalse1Spread between each number suggestion.
DisabledbooleanfalsefalsefalseThe state of the range.


result 0numberThe range bottom value.
result 1numberThe range top value.